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The velvet night unfolds so wide, A canvas brushed with silver light. Each star a whisper, soft and bright, A fleeting dream in endless flight.
The moon, a lantern hung so high, Guides wandering souls with silent sighs. Through cosmic seas and endless tides, It watches time in drifting skies.
The constellations weave their tales, Of love, of loss, of fateful trails. A myth, a map, a guiding spark, A beacon glowing in the dark.
Beneath the sky so vast and deep, The world lies still in tranquil sleep. Yet stars remind with steady gleam, That light will shine in every dream.
夜幕如绸轻轻展, 银光点点映苍天。 繁星低语诉梦幻, 流光匆匆不留憾。
皓月高悬映长空, 沉默引路照迷踪。 浩渺宇宙潮汐涌, 千载浮沉尽从容。
星座交织古今诗, 爱恨悲欢诉往昔。 神话指引迷途客, 微光不灭夜尤炽。
无垠星海映世间, 沉眠大地梦悠然。 光影闪烁寄深情, 照亮心中每一念。
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